We are NOT in any immediate danger

Please be aware that there are several active wildfires throughout New Mexico and Arizona that may affect travel to and from the wolf sanctuary. Please call the Gift Shop if you need more information, as we are trying to stay on top of road and fire information: 505-775-3304.

All Rescues

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Critter Counter 76
68Wolves & Wolf Dogs
2Singing Dogs
1Domestic Dogs
NOTE: The number of rescues displayed in the “Critter Counter” at the top of this page, and elsewhere on our web site, may not match the number of rescues displayed in the grid above. In some cases we may temporarily care for rescues awaiting permanent placement, or we have taken in an animal whose former owner requested that we not publicize that animal. The “Critter Counter” always displays the actual number of rescues we’re currently caring for, whether they are permanent residents or being temporarily cared for.