Male Low-Content Wolfdog

He is roughly 7 years old and his birthday is around January, 2018.
He is NOT on the Tour Path.
He is NOT on the Tour Path.
Obi traveled to Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary from Washington state in June of 2020. Before that, he was a privately owned pet to a young man in Washington who loved him dearly, but was forced to leave him behind (for what he believed would be a temporary length of time) due to his military obligations. Unfortunately, Obi proved to be quite difficult for the people left to care for him, and by 3 years old he had been bounced around to five different homes, unbeknownst to his original owner.
The last family to care for Obi loved him dearly, and at first he got along spectacularly with them and the other dogs in the family. But as he came into sexual maturity, Obi began to fight with their other male dogs on a near-daily basis, so they made the difficult decision to re-home him with Wild Spirit.
Today, Obi shares his life with female high-content wolfdog, Kaya, who is absolutely gaga for him.