Male High-Content Wolfdog
He is 6 years old and his birthday is April 28th, 2018.

He is NOT on the Tour Path.

In April of 2021, Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary received an intake request for a young high-content wolfdog that was living as a privately owned pet on a cattle farm in northern Colorado. Like many of our more recent rescues, Mowgli was loved and well cared for by his owners, but unfortunately, as he entered sexual maturity his behaviors began to shift dramatically. For example, he became increasingly unpredictable, sensitive to certain types of touch, and altogether difficult to interact with safely. In addition, he killed another family pet that lived in the enclosure next to him, which solidified his owners’ decision to seek out sanctuary placement.

Wild Spirit reached out with the offer to take Mowgli in immediately, confident that we could offer him a safe and secure forever home where we are fully equipped to manage even the most intense canine behaviors. Thankfully, after a couple of conversations about Wild Spirit’s set up, his owners agreed to place him in our care, so staff loaded up the van to retrieve him.

Though Mowgli was raised to be a social animal, his recent behaviors had our rescue team prepared for anything. After a lengthy phone call with his owners (just prior to arrival at their home), it was determined that the best plan of action might be for our team to sit back and allow Mowgli to be handled by his family. Therefore, we were asked to park our van a half mile from the house to remain completely out of sight while Mowgli’s owners attempted to leash him. This process alone ended up taking an entire hour, as Mowgli was extremely touch-sensitive around his collar and simply didn’t want to leave. But as soon as he was leashed, the team made their way to the house and had their first look at the new rescue. They were in awe of the handsome high-content and could hardly contain their excitement! However, as much as they wanted to jump out and say hello, they were forced to wait patiently and remain completely out of sight while he was loaded into our vehicle. Luckily, loading him into the van went flawlessly, and the team was soon back on the road and headed for home.

Soon after arriving at the sanctuary, Mowgli was paired with female high-content wolfdog Agana, who he still shares his life with today.


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