He is NOT on the Tour Path.
At the time, we were beyond our maximum capacity after taking in seven wolfdogs from Kansas following the death of their owner just a few months prior. However, we wanted to help as much as possible in securing the Pennsylvania Six a safe place to call home, so we agreed to assist by reaching out to the Wolfdog Rescue Network to see if any other facilities might be able to place them. To sweeten the deal, we even offered to make the trip to Pennsylvania to assist with and pay for each animal’s vetting, and then transport them anywhere in the lower 48, all to make sure these sweet babies (all of which were 3 years old or younger at the time) lived to see another day.
Sadly, after weeks with no offers for placement, we realized if we wanted to see these animals’ lives saved, we’d need to take matters into our own hands. Thus we began building several new enclosures – AGAIN – all with a tight deadline looming over our heads.
Fortunately, we were able to pull off construction in time, and quickly made our way to Pennsylvania to retrieve our six new wild-spirited rescues. Along the way, we were fortunate to stay the night with two of our staff members’ families, allowing us a rare opportunity to eat real meals and sleep in actual beds before the big day’s events. (A huge thank you to each of you!)
Better yet, one of the families happened to live just an hour away from where we were headed, and offered to make the trip to assist us with any aspect of the rescue we’d permit! And so, with our team in tow, we made our way to the owner’s home, where we assessed the situation and came up with a game plan for getting each rescue out of their enclosure, into crates, and onboard the rescue van. With six animals in total – all with varying degrees of socialization and living singly, in a pair, and in a trio – we had our work cut out for us! Fortunately, everything went smoothly, and in no time we had each of our new babies loaded up and ready for the long trip back home.
Since arriving back at the sanctuary, each of our new rescues have settled in at their own pace, and have won over the love and adoration of our team immediately. Ruhn, who was unintentionally living in a trio in his former home, was removed from the others and is currently living the bachelor life while we await the perfect partner. Of all the animals taken in from this group, Ruhn has certainly kept us the most on our toes. While he seems to love his masculine Caretakers, he has shown a strong distaste for more feminine individuals, meaning his care has been catered to quite strongly to ensure his comfort and our safety. Still, we hope that as he continues to settle in, we’ll get to see a different side of him. If not, that’s also ok! Here at Wild Spirit, the animals always come first, so we’re always prepared to adjust our own routines to accommodate the animals’ needs!
All in all, we’re so grateful we were able to take each of them in, knowing they’ll have a safe place to live out the rest of their days. We’d like to offer a HUGE and heartfelt thank you to all the people that made this rescue possible! Work like this truly does take a village, and we are so grateful for all the heart and hard work that went into pulling this one off.