Female High-Content Wolfdog
She is 2 years old and her birthday is April 4th, 2022.

She is NOT on the Tour Path.

In October of 2023, Wild Spirit was contacted about Josie, a young high-content wolfdog who was living as a privately-owned pet in Oregon, but needed a new forever home due to some behavioral issues her owner was experiencing with her.

Interestingly, several months before this call took place, we had learned that Josie was the littermate to Artemis, who has called Wild Spirit her home since she was just 5-weeks-old!

Unfortunately, while we wished we could provide Josie with a new start here at the sanctuary, we didn’t have an empty enclosure in which to house her, especially on an urgent timeline. However, when we informed her owner of this, he stated that a fellow wolf supporter was willing to donate $10,000 to Wild Spirit for an enclosure, should we agree to take her in! Thankfully, this changed everything and within days of our initial contact, our team was on the road to Oregon to meet the newest member of our wild spirited family. 

Immediately upon arrival at the sanctuary, Josie was temporarily paired with her sister Artemis, along with a mid-content male wolfdog named Balto. Though the girls spent the first few weeks of life together, their reunion was tenuous, as Josie seemed overwhelmed by so much change all at once. Thankfully, Balto and Artemis did their best to be welcoming without adding additional stress on their new pack-mate, and Josie began to slowly settle in. 

Ultimately, our plans were never to leave Josie with Balto and Artemis long term–just long enough for her enclosure to be ready for her. At that point, she would come to be re-paired with a single high-content male wolfdog named Ruhn, who she lives with today!

Josie and Ruhn were an immediate match, and the two can often be seen running and rough-housing in their large new enclosure! In addition, Josie is no longer living on our public tour path, and we feel she has become much more comfortable in this new setting. 

We can’t wait to see them continue to grow as a pair, and are forever grateful for her owner for trusting her in our care, and for the generous donor that made her placement possible. 


Sponsorship Details

Josie has only 2 sponsors!