You can see her on the Tour Path!
River and her brother Rumi came to Wild Spirit in August of 2018 at just a few months old. Before life at the sanctuary, the fox kits were born to captive-bred parents that were part of a breeding operation in the state of Virginia. Consequently, River, Rumi, and their other siblings were originally intended to be sold into the exotic pet trade.
Soon after their birth, however, Virginia passed a law prohibiting the ownership of foxes as pets, meaning River, Rumi, and the rest of the foxes needed to find near-immediate placement! With nowhere to go, she and her siblings were placed into foster care in Ohio while caring folks looked for places for them to live. We were thrilled to give River and her brother a new place to call home, and have loved watching the two of them grow together over the years!
Today, River and Rumi are absolutely thriving in our care. While Rumi is much more shy and aloof, taking extra time to warm up to new people, River is much more confident with her human Caretakers. In fact, when she has really warmed up to a person, it’s common for her to vocalize, play, run around, and even “slink” up to people on her belly with a gigantic “smile” on her face! That being said, more often than not, the two prefer to relax away from prying eyes in either their self-made den, or their cozy nest-box.