Since 1991, Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary (formerly known as Candy Kitchen Wolf and Wolfdog Rescue Ranch) has made it our mission to offer sanctuary to canines who have no where else to go. We have been remarkably fortunate to share time, memories and a home with so many breathtaking souls over our many years of operation, which makes it all the more difficult when they pass.
This page is in the honor, and memory, of the rescues who called Wild Spirit home, and have since crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Each one has touched so many lives, and will never be forgotten. We are still in the process of adding all our former rescues, but stayed tuned for more pages.

Adopted Animals
*every animal adopted out of Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary was a domestic dog, the vast majority of which were dumped on our door step without permission, thus taking space from the animals who truly need it. It is important to emphasize that we ARE NOT a dog rescue, shelter or adoption facility; most critters on this list exist due to the cruel actions of their owners who abandoned their pets, as well as our teams dedication towards saving the life of any animal, regardless of content level.