Iowa Brutus joined the Big Pack in the Sky on October 4th, 2011.
He passed at 11 years old due to old age.

Brutus was the bravest and most curious about the happenings in his enclosure. He was a very sweet man that liked attention from his Caretakers — he also approached the fence when visitors walked by. Brutus would occasionally pick on his brother, Navar, but the two were also seen frolicking around the enclosure. He loved his sister Akela dearly, and with him, she could do no wrong.
Fun Facts
Brutus was quite neophobic (fearful of new things), especially with enrichment activities in his enclosure. He was extremely cautious and took a long time to build up the courage to explore it. He had been seen many times pawing the dirt around the item, briefly nosing it before leaping away, and just staring at it intently from several yards away. Luckily, with enough time, he realized that the enrichment was only good and would sit down to enjoy it.