Peek Into The Pack Blog

New Rescue Obi Update

Wolfdog rescue, Obi - Rescue Mission update

Article by Kendra Kain-Woods

Kendra is our Grant Coordinator and Copy Editor, as well as an Animal Care Specialist. She is an animal behavior enthusiast, greatly enjoying the impactful relationships possible through training as a means of communication and building trust. Through her love of writing, Kendra hopes to further support the wild rescues of Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary.

June 19, 2020

The Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary Team is extremely excited to officially introduce our newest rescue, wolf-dog Obi! Please join the team in celebrating our newest member of the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary Family–we are certainly thrilled to welcome him home.

You can still donate to the Obi/Kenai rescue campaign on Donorbox!

Megan with Obi

An owner-surrender, Obi ventured from Washington state late last week to find permanent sanctuary with us. Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary will be Obi’s 6th home in the short three years he has been alive, but we intend to be his last. Bouncing from home-to-home for any animal is taxing, and it has weakened Obi’s over all confidence as an individual. Unfortunately for this sweetheart, as well, Obi has not always been the most welcome by all members of the households he has lived, but through no fault of his own. Luckily for mister Obi, the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary Team could not be more thrilled to have him join the family. Throughout the next couple of weeks, we will do all that we can to ensure his comfort, health, and well-being as he settles into his new life. Our eyes and ears are open to learn his quirks, interests, likes versus dislikes, and what makes him the happiest he can be!

While Obi was a bit overwhelmed post his arrival this past Monday, June 15th, he is indeed settling in quickly, adapting to the daily routines. When no one is watching him, Obi gobbles up the thawed Carnivore Diet from his metal bowl, which I place securely by his cave house away from the fence line and caregiver traffic. The Carnivore Diet, for our new readers, is a species-specific meal meant to supply the nutrients carnivores need to thrive, and it includes raw muscle meat, liver, eggs, and a variety of supplements. When it comes to treats, Obi has shown favoritism for dried turkey over venison. (I am inclined to agree with his preference.)

A truly sweet boy, Obi, while shy, has expressed great joy in receiving pets and attention. Just the other day, he not only allowed me to but requested that I rub his belly while he dozed in the shade of a tree. I know I speak for the rest of the team when I say we cannot wait to see how Obi blossoms in the coming months!

Kendra with Obi

Over the next week or two, Crystal Castellanos, Director of Operations, and I plan to introduce Obi to our young single gal, Kaya, a high-content wolf-dog who awaits to obtain her very own boyfriend. As Kaya has settled into sanctuary life over the past 9 months, she has watched curiously as her neighbors, wolf-dogs Leia and Draco, wrestle and play. While companionship was denied by Kaya and Teton when they initially met after her rescue, the team has high hopes, and fingers crossed, when it comes to Obi and Kaya as a potential pair.

While we do not yet know Obi’s content level as a wolf-dog, based on his personality and physical traits we are guessing he is a lower content. Part of the money raised for his rescue went towards the purchase of a DNA test through U.C. Davis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory so we can confirm his wolf-dog status. This data will be valuable to the team as we increase our knowledge and understanding of the canids we rescue and care for, especially our wolf-dogs who represent a truly unique population. The team anticipates receiving the test results in the next several weeks, and we will share the data for our Howling Supporters who are curious to know, as well. Regardless of whether or not Obi is confirmed to be a wolf-dog, he will remain with Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary to ensure he receives the care and love he so deserves and craves.

From all of the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary Team, thank you again to everyone who helped bring this beautiful boy home! Whenever you like or share our social media posts and whenever someone donates it aids our rescue missions tremendously. Howls of thanks and love from the humans and canids alike! We will keep everyone updated on Obi’s transition into sanctuary life.

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