Peek Into The Pack Blog

2020 Pumpkin Toss Enrichment Recap

2020 Pumpkin Toss Enrichment Event

Article by Tim Waite

TIm is Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary's Multimedia & Outreach Coordinator. He is a professional photographer, and is fluent in the binary language of moisture vaporators.

November 13, 2020

One of the best things about working at the sanctuary is the people. Sure, the animals are incredible, and they are certainly the reason we are all here, but it’s the people that make things fun. On any ordinary day you can hear the laughter and silliness interspersed among the many tasks accomplished daily. Often, the most fun occurs when everyone gets together to go out and share quarterly enrichment with the rescues.

To keep our rescues sharp, engaged, and happy, we conduct enrichment activities with each animal regularly. It could be something as simple as spending some time with more social rescues or taking one out for a walk through the sanctuary grounds. Enrichment might also include something smelly, tasty, and fun like a furry elk leg.

Each quarter we make a big deal out of enrichment. (See more about our enrichment events here.) These events are great for the rescues, and in more normal times when guests are allowed to visit they are fun for our supporters, as well, because folks can come and enjoy enrichment first-hand. With COVID-19 keeping us from allowing guests to visit, we’ve begun streaming the events on Facebook so our Howling Supporters can stay involved and enjoy viewing the rescues as they receive the treats.

While these events are great for our rescues and supporters, they are also an opportunity for our staff and interns to get together and play! The animal care crew works really hard every day, and they are largely confined to the sanctuary grounds with occasional trips out to “the real world.” Therefore, having the chance to spend an hour or so engaging with our rescues and one another is a nice way to relax and to just have a good time.

Our next large enrichment event is our annual Present Toss, which is scheduled for December 19th. As we have been doing all 2020, the Present Toss will be streamed live that day on our Facebook page. If you’d like to sponsor an enrichment, please visit our online gift shop.

In case you miss a livestream, you can always view it on our Facebook page!

Now, please enjoy a bunch of photos of some of our humans and rescues enjoying Pumpkin Toss!

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