Female Wolf
Duchess joined the Big Pack in the Sky in November of 2014.
She passed at 16 due to unknown causes.

Duchess was an Arctic-Timber wolf born on April 21st, 1998, and arrived at Wild Spirit in 2007, along with her brothers, Tatanka and Geronimo, and mother, Princess.The group originally came to the sanctuary when a staff member was hired on, and needed a home for them. The owner had bred Princess and bottle-raised Duchess and Geronimo.

The four wolves were very well socialized early-on and even acted as Ambassadors for Wolves and Wildlife in Northern California, and the California Wolf Center. Unfortunately, their socialization was inconsistent, making Duchess a very timid animal as time went on.

When they arrived at Wild Spirit, the two boys were taken to be neutered, and unfortunately, Tatanka never woke up from anesthesia. From that point on, Geronimo and Duchess were placed in an enclosure beside their mother, Princess, who was then alone. After the owner left Wild Spirit, the animals moved onto the tour path where they could receive more attention.


It was difficult for us to get to know Duchess; her decreased sociability had made her a hands-off animal. However, when Geronimo passed away, we began to encourage interaction from Duchess with great results! She started to ask for inner-thigh rubs and rear scratches, but still becomes spooked very easily, and will retreat when too many people are around her enclosure. Duchess likes to flirt with her male neighbor from across the corridor.


Duchess lived with her brother, Geronimo, for most of her life. Following his passing in March of 2007, she moved in with a large male named Kota! Kota and Duchess built a playful relationship, and were getting closer every day.

Please enjoy the only photo we could find of Geronimo and Duchess together.

Likes & Dislikes

Duchess liked enrichment items, inner thigh rubs, and playing in her pond.

Duchess disliked male Caretakers, Kota hogging all the attention, and being approached head-on.

Fun Facts

Many of the animals at the Sanctuary like to catch ravens, but no one is as good as Duchess. Whether it’s a game to her or a wolf on a mission, she will go after any raven slow enough to catch. Likes many of the animals, she never eats it, but seems to keep it as a trophy.

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