We are NOT in any immediate danger

Please be aware that there are several active wildfires throughout New Mexico and Arizona that may affect travel to and from the wolf sanctuary. Please call the Gift Shop if you need more information, as we are trying to stay on top of road and fire information: 505-775-3304.

Female Low-Content Wolfdog
Goldie joined the Big Pack in the Sky on July 24th, 2020.
She was assisted at 12 years old due to swelling in the abdomen caused by a mass.

Goldie was born in August of 2007, and arrived at Wild Spirit in December of 2009. Our precious Goldie was one of five siblings who were taken to a shelter in Louisiana when she was only 7-weeks-old. They were suspected to be wolfdogs, but due to the unreliability of genetic tests in 2007, it couldn’t be confirmed if they were or not. Because of this, it was almost impossible to adopt them out. Goldie, her sisters Azteca, Katrina, and Juno, and her brother, Saint were all placed together in a 10 x 10-foot cage with a concrete floor and became completely unsocialized.

While at the shelter, someone would occasionally try to adopt one of the dogs, but they were always returned. The shelter called Wild Spirit in August of 2009. One of our staff members was on vacation in the area so she stopped by to see them. They were kept clean and fed but had spent two years together in that awful 10 x 10 cage, which caused permanent damage to their knees. Despite our uncertainty of their content level, we couldn’t stand to see them spend the rest of their lives there, and made arrangements to accept them at Wild Spirit. They soon became known as our NOLA Pack, in reference to their origins in New Orleans.

The Nola’s were very sweet rescues, who eventually came out of their shells to show us all the love they could offer. Their rough upbringing resulted in multiple health issues over the years that required intensive care, including knee surgeries for Saint, Azteca, Katrina, and 14 weeks of physical therapy after each surgery. In spite of this, they each lived fulfilling lives, well into their senior years. Each one had a special place in our hearts, and will never be forgotten.



Goldie was much shyer than her siblings. She kept her distance when larger tours came by or if caretakers she didn’t know went into her habitat. But when she did feel comfortable with someone, she would sneak up and give a quick kiss before running away again! Sometimes she got picked on by her siblings, but she took it in stride.


Goldie was part of our Nola Pack. She lived with her brother Saint, and her sisters Azteca, Katrina, and Juno, until she moved in with wolfdog, Nimoy.

Likes & Dislikes

Goldie enjoyed lying belly-up and soaking up the sun! She also enjoyed giving Caretakers a quick, sloppy kiss, but only when her siblings had already gotten some love and shown her it was safe.

Goldie hated it when her siblings picked on her when they were excited about something, like breakfast time or someone entering their enclosure.

Fun Facts

Goldie’s appearance was one of the main reasons she and her siblings were suspected to be wolfdogs. To many people, her color pattern resembled that of a timber wolf.

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