They have lost their home, but not all hope . . .
For those who have been following our Save Indigo Mountain Campaign, we regret to inform you that we were unable to raise the funds necessary before the property was sold by the landowner. However, while we were unable to save Indigo Mountain Nature Center, we will not give up on the 25 lives who call it home.
It will not be an easy endeavor. In fact, it will be far more difficult than purchasing the property, due to our limited space and resources at Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary. We now have a deadline of 6-8 weeks before the window to rescue these animals is closed, and all 25 of them will be euthanized if they do not find a new home.
What is the new plan to save 25 lives?
The cost is lower, but the workload is greater than ever. Ideally our goal was to utilize the already constructed enclosures at Indigo Mountain Nature Center to allow the current canid residents to stay at their home, and have more enclosure for future rescues in need. Now, our objective will be to construct 16 new 80’x80′ enclosures at Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary and vet, transport and provide a home for 25 new rescues! Our anticipated cost break down is:
– (512) Metal Posts 2”x10′ – $43.88 x 512 = $22,466.56
– (512) Galvanized Steel Top Rail Post – $21.97 x 512 = $11,248.64
– (384) Barb Arms – $5.00 x 384 = $1,940
– (256) 60 lb. Concrete Mix – $6.99 x 256 = $1,789.44
– (128) 2” End Caps – $2.09 x 128 = $267.52
– (128) 100’x60” Fencing/Topwire – $149.99 x 128 = $19,198.72
– (64) 100’x60” Dig Guard – $149.99 x 64 = $9,599.36
– (32) Retriever Doors Panels – $99.99 x 32 = $3,199.68
– (32) Retriever Extension Packs –$129.99 x 32 = $4,159.68
– (16) Splash Tubs – $179.99 x 16 = $2,879.84
– (16) Concrete Cave House Shelters – $1,500 x 16 = $24,000
– Labor = ~$21,525.00 for our staff (non-professional)
– Vet Care = ~$25,000
+ 20% increase for materials = $24,455
= $171,729.44 GRAND TOTAL
Thankfully, the cost necessary to accomplish this mission is far lower, but with a STRICT deadline of a maximum of 8 weeks and endless work ahead of us, we need your help now more than ever! Unfortunately, the timing could not be worse, as this news came immediately after a massive rescue in Ohio where 400 animals required placement. Wolf sanctuaries in the United States have never been more oversaturated, leaving us with the only option of expanding our sanctuary beyond what we believed possible, while also offering the level of care and enclosures that we are known for.

How can you help?
1. If you donated to our Save Indigo Mountain Campaign, we require your written permission to reallocate your donation to this new cause. We will be sending an email to every donor in hopes we can utilize the money already raised to unite our packs.
2. If you have not already donated or wish to donate more, please consider doing so to help us save these incredible animals.
The method has changed, but our goal remains the same: to provide a home for every animal residing at Indigo Mountain Nature Center. We are so incredibly blessed to have supporters as passionate about our mission as we are, which you all proved by every cent you donated our way. We managed to raise $280,675.57 to purchase the property Indigo Mountain Nature Center was located on, and though it did not meet the required amount before the property sold, we are endlessly proud to see your overwhelming generosity.
Currently, if every person remaining who donated to this cause were to allow us to reallocate our funds to our Unite the Packs Campaign, we would already meet our goal of $171,729.44! Please help us make this dream a reality. Help us save Aspen, Blizzard, Cassidy, Chappa, Dakota, Frisco, Gray Cloud, Gunner, Jaeger, Kano, Milo, Oakley, Sable, Sarah, Skysong, Sophie, Sonoma, Summit, Sundance, Stella, Tahoe, Tioga, and Tippy.